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Vesting Clause Application

Vesting Clause Application

When setting up for a new venture it becomes necessary to take some safeguard measures, be them between Founders or between these and workers. In previous posts we reviewed some of these contractual arrangements, such as the Non-Disclosure or Non-Compete Agreements....
Vesting Clause Application

Aplicación de la Cláusula de Vesting

Al aventurarse a emprender se hace necesario tomar algunos resguardos ya sea entre socios fundadores o entre estos y trabajadores, en posts anteriores hemos repasado algunas de estas figuras contractuales, tales como los acuerdos de confidencialidad y de no...
Intellectual Property Registry of Musical Works

Intellectual Property Registry of Musical Works

Intellectual Property Rights of musical works or phonogram author rights have legal protection in Chile, in order make that protection effective, it becomes necessary its registry in the Department of Intellectual Rights. (Departamento de Derechos Intelectuales de la...