Hello world!

This is my first entry. Through this blog I pretend to publish relevant information for entrepreneurs and startups who are in a seed stage, or in the process of incorporating the Company or in search for funding with the objective of keep growing. I’m also looking to be a referent for lawyers and professionals who are involved with technology and innovation, or that are wanting to enter the entrepreneurship ecosystem that is thriving in this country.

I’m a Lawyer from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Also have a Degree on Evaluation and Execution of Projects from the Business School of Universidad de Chile.

In the last few years I’ve been dedicated to consulting for companies and startups from the Platform LanzateSolo.cl, Chilean branch of the Swiss Company Startups.ch, where I got the chance to impact over 300 companies.

I have worked as a legal advisor for companies from industries such as financing, pension, development and services related to software and development of power generation projects, among others.

Today I am working as a freelance consultant to a number of companies and startups, looking for the way to innovate in an industry that always have been reticent to change. I strongly believe in the concept of collaboration and that makes me shape my practice as a Lawyer more like a “strategic associate” from a legal point of view, than a regular legal service provider.

I hope to receive the interaction of a lot of visitors to the site.

Santiago Henriquez C., Lawyer.