Let’s have a Coffee

For the past few years, I have been trying to create a regime of coffee meetings with numerous people in between labour hours. Sometimes is a known person, like and ex classmate or an ex coworker, and other times is a total stranger whom I want to meet.

Let's have a coffee - Padurariu Alexandru

I see this as a break from regular work, but mostly is an opportunity to engage in a conversation with someone with a different point of view, to share knowledge or expertise and discuss about the state of the industry or market from a specific perspective, different than yours. The ideas is that the meeting result advantageous for both parties, so be ready to offer your knowledge too.

It was not my idea, I read about it in the Mark Suster’s Blog and I began to implement it in my life. Suster in that post was proposing 5 coffees with different people every week. That is like 250 coffees a year. Imagine the impact of that amount of information transfer for your business or project. Of course is not that easy to concert that many meeting, but any amount is better than nothing.

If you have trouble to leave your work place every day for coffee, just think outside the box. It can be before entering your regular job, or maybe sharing a lunch at the park with someone, or even beers after work (this option is the favorite of many).

Also remember, is just a casual meeting, so it does not need to be very planned. Is better to engage in conversation, searching for middle grounds and to explore possible synergies. Worst case scenario, you’ll have lost half an hour of your day over good conversation and a nice coffee.

 So, if you want to have a coffee, just send me a contact email.

Santiago Henriquez C. Lawyer.

Picture: Padurariu Alexandru (CC0)

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