Recommended Blogs (Third Issue)

We keep going with this section where recommends Blogs which topics are related to legal aspects of entrepreneurship, relevant matters for startups in connection whit funding or venture capital, news about the entrepreneurship ecosystem in Chile and worldwide, among other things.

Blogs 3 - Dustin Lee (Spanish)

This is a services platform for entrepreneurs that offer assistance to starting companies offering Accounting, Commercial and Legal advice. In other words they can help their clients with the creation of their business plan, market evaluation, tax declarations and with the process of incorporation, supporting them with courses for entrepreneurs and offering a wide range of services through their alliances with other companies. is the Chilean branch of the Swiss company, which offers the same service in that country since 2007. They also make an annual entrepreneurship contest nationwide. In both platforms there is a blog that regularly publishes tips and relevant information about the implications that new companies may face from a legal, commercial or accountant point of view.

From this platform, everyone who has the intention to start a new business and want to know what will need at the moment of launching themselves can get registered in the courses (paid or free) that are imparted on a weekly basis. Go to Blog.


This is a blog that in its name plays with the ABC learning concept from a perspective of a VC (Venture Capital). In this sense the blog explains, in a very didactic way some of the key concepts for entrepreneurs that must confront investor, especially Venture Capitals, over a funding a process.

The writer behind AVC is Fred Wilson who has been involved with the venture capital business since the year 1986, so he has enough experience to share. He founded his venture capital firm Union Square Ventures based in New York, which has invested en companies like Twitter, Tumblr, Foursquare and Kickstarter.

Fred writes in his blog daily since September of 2003, and even the majority of the post are related with startups, funding through venture capital and the internet, there are also some other post about thing that interest him, like music. Fred defines his space as a bar, where he gets to be the bartender, and where everyone is invited to have a civil an lively conversation. Go to Blog.


This website is one of the most read tech news site for startups in the web nowadays. Founded in 2003 as ReadWriteWeb (it change the name dropping the “web” in 2012) by the New Zealander Richard MacManus, has turned in one of the most consulted sites in the matter, being acknowledge by Forbes on 2015 as one of the top 100 sites for entrepreneurs.

The curatorship and editing that the news get before being published on the site, makes the experience of reading very heartwarming. By presenting relevant news, filled with content and trim down of unnecessary information. Another element to highlight is the easy access to the source on which the articles are based.

The site is organized over 8 pretty specific sections, this help to give a notion to the user of the level of depth of the website. These sections are: Code, Build, Structure, Connect, Lead, Fund, Operate and Grow. Go to Blog.

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