Recommended Blogs (Fourth Issue)

Once more with this section where recommends Blogs which topics are related to legal aspects of entrepreneurship, relevant matters for startups in connection whit funding or venture capital, news about the entrepreneurship ecosystem in Chile and worldwide, among other things.

Blog 4 - Bino Storyteller

Startups Lawyer (Spanish)

This blog managed by the Argentinian Alex Contreras is a good place to learn about the entrepreneurship scene at the other side of Los Andes and in Latin America. As his biography describes, Alex has a vast experience in corporate law over many industries, and has also worked at Chicago, United States.

The blog has accumulated a considerable number of posts analyzing different situation that a startups may encounter during the process of scaling, from a legal point of view. Other admirable aspect is that his author is always reviewing the changes on legislation that occur, especially in Argentina.

The site is definitely aiming to become a place of reference for startups and investors, and over all you can appreciate the intention of covering practical issues that affect the ecosystem. The blog was conceived as a tool for knowledge diffusion, and not as a service provider. Go to Blog.


Shockwave Innovations

In this case the blog aims to give Startups Advice and Resources, including useful information, mentoring and tools from the blogger experience. Gordon Daugherty, the author, has 10 years of experience in big name companies as IBM or Compaq. After that, he has participated in a number of projects and startups, and nowadays he is an active Angel Investor, VC and Startups Advisor mainly around Austin ecosystem.

One of the greatest things about this blog is the way that content is exposed through case studies and numerical examples. For example if you are looking for information about the way that you should use a convertible note to do a bridge financing (one of the latest post), you will find an example with invented figures to reflect the manner in which the transaction occurs and its trade offs.

Another feature that I like about this blog, especially from a startup point of view, is the section about resources. Here you can find a catalog of books, videos and conferences, recommended blogs, websites and papers to get even a deeper knowledge in different aspects of your startup. Go to Blog.



With 18 millions views every month, this source of news on technology innovation is one you cannot miss. Venture Beat, founded on 2006, has positioned itself as one of the most influential divulgation channels of information related with technology, helping “executives, startups and tech enthusiast make smart decisions”, as they state in the “About” section of the web.

The information on the posts is current, deep and reliable. If you are a reader that doesn’t like to wait for the news to appear on the newspaper, and eager to read about technology, this is a webpage that you must read. According to the Times “one of the best blogs in the web” whatever that means, sound good.

A thing I like about this web page is the way the news is displayed, very simple and linear, making navigation very easy. Also be sure to revise the research section of the web. Here you will find a number of reports that you can purchase on four different areas: Marketing Tech, Mobile, Gaming and Miscellaneous. Go to Blog.

Santiago Henríquez C., Lawyer

Picture: Bino Storyteller (CC0)