Recommended Blogs (Fifth Issue)

Once again is doing recommendations on blogs that may interest our readers that cover topics related to innovation and technology with the focus on the legal issues and the investors point of view.

Blog 4 - Erez Attias

Strictly Business

This is a blog I recently found “googling” for topics to discuss on my blog. I have been Reading it since. This is a blog written by lawyers whose practices are oriented to advice technology companies and startups. Actually there are 4 lawyers named on the blog, 3 of whom work in the same boutique law firm Riggs Davie PLC located in Nashville, Tennessee.

As the blog describes itself as “A Business Law Blog for Entrepreneurs, Startups, Venture Capital, and the Private Fund Industry” you can have an idea of the covered topics. In any case the post give very useful information about legal issues that may affect startups and other industry players. There are also a lot of personal posts expressing the opinion of the author over some current issues.

I like the blog for its simplicity and organized tag cloud, allowing the visitor to navigate the topics in a very simple way (if you know what you are looking for). Once again, the legal language used in many of the post can make it difficult for person with non-legal background, but this is the same issue that every legal topics blog must face. Go to Blog.

Gotham Gal

The first thing that caught my attention was the name of the blog, or should I say the style of the gal. This is a blog written by a girl in New York, who is a VC, but also is a lot more than that. I think I found this blog as a recommendation from Brad Feld, and I immediately engage with the loose style of the blog.

This gal has invested in a lot of startups. Just look at her portfolio published in her webpage, there are a lot, mainly in the New York area. She is a VC, but more in a sense of a business angel. She is also the founder of the Woman Entrepreneur Festival, and she sits at the board of the High Line Park.

Another thing that I like is that the blog cannot be defined as a VC blog, or anything else, because this girl writes about almost everything, including recipes and restaurant critics. Just navigate her subject’s cloud and you will notice. Go to Blog.


This site is a media more tan a blog, although I believe they started as one. They describe themselves as a leader in emerging technology research, so if this is your industry this is the place to find about the latest news and trends about it. Their target readers are the technology vendors seeking to understand the market on one hand and corporate leaders of technology companies who need to assess their industries.

In the beginning GigaOM belonged to Giga Omni Media, but since 2015 it’s owned by Knowingly, an Austin-based publishing startup.

If you are looking to get actual and relevant information on robotics, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, nanotechnology, cyber security, human-machine interfaces and some other topics that will generate noise in the near future, you should visit this website and submerge into a incredible list of post, published daily, on this matters. Go to Blog.

Santiago Henríquez C., Lawyer.

Picture: Erez Attias (CC0)