e-Rut: a simple innovation that will make life easier for thousands of taxpayers

From July 1 this year came into force the new Electronic Certificate of Rut or e-Rut (exempt resolution No. 56). It is an electronic document that can be used in physical form, printing it, or virtually from any mobile device.

E Rut

This innovation allows users of the Internal Revenue Service to avoid the problem and the cost of having to request duplicates of Rut in person over SII offices. Operation witch happened over 300,000 times every year.

Since last month, companies that declares beginning of activities, will only receive a temporary Rut when doing it so in person over the service offices, thus no longer will receive the plastic card after a few months as it happens before.

This e-Rut can be obtained by all Legal Entities with or nonprofit, community, trust assets, de facto corporations, associations and groups with beginning of activities, and foreign individuals without residence that have Rut granted by SII.

The main advantages of e-Rut is that it is absolutely free for the taxpayer, you can get it virtually, is nominative for each users avoiding their misuse, can be printed or displayed from a mobile device, and it will only be necessary to show the identity card of the representative or principal.

You can get the e-Rut in 3 simple steps.

1. Access to the website of the Internal Revenue Service (SII).

2. Select from the top menu section Taxpayer Registry (Registro de Contribuyentes), and then the option Electronic Rut Certificate (Cédula Rut Electrónica or e-Rut), then Order e-RUT.

3. Authenticate as the taxpayer (Rut and company password) or as the legal representative of the company (Ruth and personal password, in this case will be given the option to get e-Rut for any of the companies that the person represents).

You can also access from mobile devices or from the mobile application of SII.

For those wishing to verify that an e-Rut exhibited by a taxpayer is real and valid, they must access the same as above, clicking on the option to check e-Rut, and then enter the information in the electronic card displayed.

As from that same date, entered into force Exempt Resolution No. 57 of the Internal Revenue Service that eliminates the charge for users requiring authenticated copies of Form 29 (monthly statement and simultaneous tax), Form 22 (Annual taxes income) and certificates of real estate tax valuation. So more good news for taxpaying duties of Startups in Chile.

Santiago Henríquez C., Lawyer