2017 Chilean Tax Regimes

Aiming to inform our readers about the different tax regimes that will enter into force in Chile starting next year (2017), we are here making available the following chart with the information published by the Chilean Tax Authority (SII).

It is relevant to take into account that businesses that registered to commence activities as of July of the current year have the duty to choose one of the regimes at the very moment of their taxdeclaration. Conversely, businesses that commenced their activities in any time before such date, must choose to adopt one of these regimes before the end of the year.

As a tip for entrepreneurs, if you adopt this decision advised by your accountant, make sure he is aware of the implications of each tax regime before adopting one. If you are starting your business (and you do not qualify for the Presumed Income Regime) it is likely that the adequate regime for you is the simplest, this is14ter.

Also consider that certain types of companies do not have the possibility of choosing.

Tax Regimes 2016 – 2017:

Presumed Income Tax (Art. 34) Simplified Taxation (Art. 14 Ter Letter A) Attributed Income System (Art. 14 A)

Semi Integrated System (Art. 14 B)

Tax regime where tax is paid on the basis of a presumed income Simplified regime that frees the taxpayer from certain tax obligations Tax regime subject to full accounting, with assignment to partners of the full tax credit of the First Category Tax Tax regime subject to full accounting, with assignment to partners of the partial tax credit of the First Category


Segments preferably elegible

Micro and small companies/Micro enterprise  (Agricultural, Transport and Mining)

Micro, Small and Medium Companies

Any segment

Any segment


Maximum Yearly Income Required to Remain in the Regime

Sum in UF:

Agriculture = a 9.000 Transport = a 5.000

Mining = 17.000

Average of the last 3 years of business = to 50.000 UF

No income limit

No income limit


Term of Validity




From January 1st, 2017 onwards

From January 1st, 2017 onwards


Term of Permanence in the Regime


At least 5 years

At least 3 years (*). If registered to commence activities in this regime there is the possibility to withdraw from it by the end of 1 calendar year.

At least 5 years

At least 5 years


Date by Which the Taxpayers Ought to give Notices to the Chilean Tax Authority (SII) in Order to be Incorporated Into the Regime


Between January 1st and April the 30th of the year in which it is incorporated to the regime. When taxpayers register to commence activities.

Between January 1st and April the 30th of the year in which it is incorporated to the regime. When taxpayers register to commence activities.

Between June 1st and December 31st of 2016. When taxpayers register to commence activities

Between June 1st and December 31st of 2016. When taxpayers register to commence activities.


New Ventures: Due Dates to Give Notices to the Chilean Tax Authority


At the same time of the registring to commence activities.

At the same time of the registring to commence activities. (*)

At the same time of the registring to commence activities.

At the same time of the registring to commence activities.


Type of Legal Entity

* Individual Companies
* Individual limited liability companies
* Communities
* Cooperatives
* Partnerships*Simplified Corporations (formed by individuals).
Year 2016: any type of taxpayer (legal person or entity).
Year 2017:
* Individual Companies
* Individual limited liability companies
* Communities
* Partnerships
*Simplified Corporations (SpA, formed by individuals).

* Individual Companies
* Individual limited liability companies
* Communities
* Cooperatives
* Partnerships
*Simplified Corporations
* Agencies (Art 58 N° 1) (formed by legal entities).

* Corporations
* Closed Corporations*Simplified Corporations (SpA)
* Agencies (Art 58 N° 1) (formed by legal persons)

* Limited joint-stock partnership.
* Individual companies
* Agencies (Art. 58 N°1) These difference from those indicated in the Attributed income because at least one partner is a legal entity


Composed of

* Individuals:

– Co-proprietors




* Individuals with domicile or residency in Chile.

* Taxpayers without domicile nor residency in Chile.

* Entities which adopted the Attributed Rent Income (14 letter A)

* Individuals:




With domicile or residency within the country.

* Taxpayers without domicile nor residency in Chile.

Individuals and/or entities with domicile or residency in the country and/or taxpayers without domicile nor residency in Chile

Type of Accounting and Required Records

* Sales and purchases journal , if VAT applies

* Otherwise, they must apply an income control system that complies with the requirements established by the Service.

* Cash journal, compulsory for all taxpayers

* Sales and purchases journal, if VAT applies

* Income and expense journal, if VAT does not apply

Complete compulsory accounting.

All corresponding records, among them: Cash Journals, LogBook, Major Ledger , Inventories and Balances.

Plus the subsidiary ledgers such as:  Daily Sales Ledger, Salary Ledger, Tax Ledger, Withholding Tax Ledger.

Complete compulsory accounting.

All corresponding records, among them: Cash Journals, LogBook, Major Ledger , Inventories and Balances.

Plus the subsidiary ledgers such as:  Daily Sales Ledger, Salary Ledger, Tax Ledger, Withholding Tax Ledger.


Company’s Taxation


First Category Tax over the Tax Base that depends on the turnover from the activity of the taxpayer:
– Agricultural Real Property 10% of the appraisal for taxation purposes given to the premises.
– Land transportation for freight or passengers 10% of the current market value of the vehicle, including its trailer, wagon or similar carriage.
– Mining depends on the metal involved. A percentage is applied to the annual net sales, according to the average price of a pound of copper

First Category Tax over the Tax Base which is determined starting from the difference between the incomes received and expenses paid in the period. Starting from 2017 can be exempt from paying the First Category Tax

First Category Tax over  the company’s Net Taxable Income First Category Tax over  the company’s Net Taxable Income

Tax Benefits Referred to First Category Income Tax


Pays taxes according to the percentages, depending of the activity

Able to be exempt of the first category income tax from January 1st 2017 onwards.

Able to deduct up to 50% of the Net Taxable Income levied with the first category income tax that is kept reinvested within the company. Able to deduct up to 50% of the Net Taxable Income levied with the first category income tax that is kept reinvested within the company.

Conditions to Make Use of the Benefit


Entities shall be created by the end of the respective business year, exclusively by proprietors, co-proprietors, partners or shareholders subject to complementary additional tax

Annual average of the income = 100.000 UF of the last 3 business years applying to the benefit. DEDUCTION LIMIT: 4.000 UF

Annual average of the income = 100.000 UF of the last 3 business years applying to the benefit. DEDUCTION LIMIT: 4.000 UF

Tax of the Partners Subject to Global Complementary or Additional Taxes


With right to credit for the First Category Tax paid by the company

With right to credit for the First Category Tax paid by the company

With right to credit for the First Category Tax paid by the company

With right to a partial credit for the First Category Tax paid by the company


Withdrawals of Profits


Fully withdrawn by partners, according to shareholder participation.

Fully withdrawn by partners, according to shareholder participation.

Fully withdrawn by partners Allocated in proportion to their withdrawal, remitted or distributed to partners in chronological order

Credit for the First Category Tax


100% of the credit

100% of the credit

100% of the credit

 65% of the credit


Source: Servicio de Impuestos Internos

Santiago Henríquez C. Lawyer.

Foto: Phil Houston (CC0)