Drag Along Right

The Drag Along Right is a mechanism whose purpose is the protection of the majority shareholders of the Company and it establishes itself as the Tag Along Right counterpart, which we have previously reviewed, and which aims to safeguard the minority shareholders interests.

El Pacto de Drag Along

El pacto de Drag Along o cláusula de arrastre, es un mecanismo de protección destinado a los socios o accionistas mayoritarios de la compañía y viene a ser la contrapartida del pacto de Tag Along, el que ya hemos revisado anteriormente, y cuyo objetivo es resguardar los intereses de los accionistas minoritarios que lo suscriben.

Tag Along Right

The Tag Along Right, as other clauses and agreements we have previously reviewed in this blog, has the purpose to regulate the withdraw of the partners from the Company. This right is established particularly with the aim to grant protection to minority partners and/or shareholders.