Dealing with Equity Splitting

Negotiation over founder equity can be a particularly challenging task. But it’s one of the key decisions that a founding team must take beforehand in order to avoid future disputes and disagreements, broken relationships and the company’s paralysis. So, once you’re all set, it’s time to sit down with your co-founder or employee for the… Read More Dealing with Equity Splitting

New rules allowing equity Crowdfunding in the US has been approved

Although the JOBs Act (Jumpstart Our Business) has been approved in the US Senate and signed by president Obama on April of 2012, it wasn’t until October 30 of 2015 that the Securities an Exchange Commission (SEC) approved the ruling that will allow the enactment of its Title III. This rules allows Crowdfunding Platforms to… Read More New rules allowing equity Crowdfunding in the US has been approved

Se aprueban reglas que autorizan el Crowdfunding en Estados Unidos

Si bien la ley Jumpstart Our Businesses Act (JOBs) fue aprobada en el Senado de los Estados Unidos y firmada por el presidente Obama en abril del año 2012, no fue hasta el 30 de Octubre de este año que la Securities and Exhange Comission (SEC) aprobó las reglas que permiten la entrada en vigencia… Read More Se aprueban reglas que autorizan el Crowdfunding en Estados Unidos