Recomended Coffee Shops

As I stated on my previous post “Let’s have a Coffee”, I would like to recommend 6 shops where one can find a good brew in different places of the Santiago area. The main criteria applied was to choose places where the coffee itself is the main draw, which is why I think these findings should… Read More Recomended Coffee Shops

Work made for Hire in Chile

The concept of work made for hire is an exception to the general principle where a person owns all the copyrights in the work that he or she creates. Work made for hire refers to the work created by an employee as part of his or her job. Also is considered work made for hire… Read More Work made for Hire in Chile

Processing of Personal Data

¿Do your marketing strategy contemplates the gathering, organization and use of personal data of your clients or prospects? ¿Have you wonder if the way you are obtaining and using the data is in compliance with the current regulations?