3 E-Books Gratis Para Emprendedores y Startups

En este post, ponemos a disposición de nuestros lectores algunos e-books relacionados con el mundo del emprendimiento que pueden ser de su interés y que muestran desde distintas perspectivas cómo enfrentar algunos aspectos de las Startups.

Industrial Property: Protecting your Startup’s Software and Ideas

Third Part. Software’s Patentability We concluded our last post with the question: how is the software developed by a startup protected. It is a subject that has generated a lot of debate mostly when it comes to legally classify software and identify the kind of protection applicable.

Industrial Property: Protecting your Startup’s Software and Ideas

2nd Part. The value of ideas. Patents and Trademarks As already mentioned in the previous post (see 1st part), Industrial Property Rights grant an exclusive property right over inventions and creations of commercial nature. Software code, algorithms and all ideas and images related to a Startup represent a fundamental entrepreneurship property that requires fair assignation… Read More Industrial Property: Protecting your Startup’s Software and Ideas

Industrial Property: Protecting your Startup’s Software and Ideas

Introduction The concept and regulations of the Industrial Property are constantly evolving. With the Startup phenomenon and the constant increase of new ideas, apps and high innovation softwares, the protection of Industrial Property has become a high-value asset for their development .